
An Easter message from Chris Cartwright

During this profound time of challenge and crisis, Chris Cartwright, Elim's General Superintendent, shares the message of hope that Easter brings.

“I bring you greetings this Easter weekend from Elim's National Leadership Team. We're praying for you during this time of profound challenge and crisis.”

“This Easter, perhaps more than ever in our lifetime, around the world the church turns and returns to God's extraordinary, amazing and unrestrained love for people everywhere.”

“To the Father who loves us so much that he gave Jesus his only son. To Jesus, who came down into our world, who lived like us in full humanity in lockdown in a human body. To Jesus, who gave himself to die for our sins so that we can live eternally for him and with him.”

“We gather online or in our homes over Easter weekend proclaiming that Easter changes everything. That Jesus died to deal with sin, sickness and death, and that he rose again and is risen from the dead to give eternal life to all who believe and commit themselves to him.”

Watch the video message

This video message will be shown as part of the Easter Sunday online services that our Elim churches are hosting.

It is also available to view and share across our media channels including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can watch it below.

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