
April's Direction Magazine - WE ARE LOVED

WE ARE LOVED – the wonder of the cross of Christ. Plus: Jackie Pullinger on why telling people about Jesus isn't enough; searching for peace in the Middle East; Jim Elliot, missionary martyr to the Aucas; and Shan Ako, standing up for Christ on X Factor. And all your favourite columns and features.

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Inside Direction Magazine April 2019…

EDITORIAL Chris Cartwright writes from India

X FACTOR STAR’S AN ELIM MEMBER Talent show finalist Shan Ako talks about faith and worship in Croydon

NEWS from Elim and the wider church

STRAIGHT-TALKING MISSIONARY Jackie Pullinger challenges the Church

THE WONDROUS CROSS Reflecting on Isaac Watts’ classic hymn

MOST IMPORTANT EVENT EVER? The late Dr Billy Graham on the crucial importance of the resurrection

FINDING PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST What happened when a group of Elim leaders took a recent trip to Israel?

PROPHECY UNLOCKED MY ILLNESS After a lengthy break, Darren Johnson bounced back to plant a new church

LIVING LIFE TO THE FULL Lyndon Bowring reveals CARE’s new vision designed to inspire older Christians


TACKLING TABOOS WITH YOUTH The Candyshop conference is on a mission to help young people battling sexual issues

PILAVACHI BACKS LIMITLESS PLAN Elim’s Limitless is stepping into the gap left by popular youth event Soul Survivor

PLACE FOR GIRLS TO HEAR CALLING Girl Talk continues to grow and impact young lives, reports Siobhan Cunningham

A CENTURY OF MISSIONS 100 years since Elim sent its first missionary

GERMANY’S CALLING WITH GOSPEL! Former RTC students Joseph and Damaris Nelson are in the thick of church growth

GOD’S PLAN IS ROOTED IN TREES At the very core of the gospel story there’s a tree, writes Gordon Allan

MARTYR INSPIRED THOUSANDS Jim Elliot’s death led many into missions

HOW RELEVANT ARE YOUR WORDS? The importance of being understood

HISTORY HAS AN EXCITING FUTURE! John Usher plans to capture Elim’s story

MUSIC REVIEWS with Ian Yates


ANSWERS with Phil Weaver

AND FINALLY with John Lancaster

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