
March's Direction Magazine - I THINK, THEREFORE AI?

I THINK, THEREFORE AI? Theology meets artificial intelligence. Plus, Why world peace hinges on the status of Jerusalem; CARE beats the odds, forcing a reduction in 'crack cocaine' betting stakes; Swaziland Samaritans, how one UK church is reaching out over 8,000 miles! Plus all your favourite columns and features. Plus all your favourite columns and features.

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Inside Direction Magazine March 2019…

EDITORIAL Chris Cartwright The Word and the Spirit

ELIM CONNECT MEDIA SPOTLIGHT BBC show returns to Wells Elim to look at a project helping the homeless in rural areas

24/7 RADIO LAUNCHED Elim church reaches out over the airwaves

NEWS from Elim and the wider church

CHANGING LIVES 8,000 MILES AWAY How Romsey Elim is helping in Swaziland

WE AREN’T HERE BY CHANCE! James Glass celebrates Mother’s Day with his Mum’s wise words on evolution

YOUR PAST DOESN’T DEFINE YOU says Aspire’s newest member Katie Wright

ELIM’S MISSIONARY TO YORKSHIRE A church plant in one of the UK’s poorest communities is growing and reaching out

PRAISE GOD IN BREXIT CHAOS How should Christians react to the UK’s exit from Europe, asks evangelist J.John

MUSIC AND/OR MINISTRY? Elim pastor Bill Dunn reflects on his decision to ditch his rock ’n’ roll career

RETREAT TO TAKE NEW GROUND Christian Retreats advertising feature

BEAT THE ODDS THROUGH PRAYER A CARE scheme to help addicted gamblers proves prayer works, says Lyndon Bowring

STILL LEADING THE WAY… Why Dr Michael Youssef is planning more ministry than ever before as he turns 70!

GREAT EASTER OUTREACH IDEAS Don’t miss this opportunity to spread the gospel, says Mark Greenwood

JERUSALEM IS KEY TO WORLD PEACE Everything hinges on the city that is God’s throne on earth, argues Mervyn Tilley

INSPIRING YOUNG MISSIONARIES Danielle Face tells how Elim Missions is helping young people go for the gospel

I THINK, THEREFORE AI? Prof Kwabena Agyapong-Kodua tackles theological issues with Artificial Intelligence

MUSIC reviews with Ian Yates

CALLED BACK TO THE FIRE? Gordon Allan is learning from Peter

BOOKCASE with Matthew Bartlett

ANSWERS with Jim Dick

AND FINALLY with John Lancaster

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