Are you struggling to know what the next steps are for your church to see people sharpen their focus on evangelism?

Looking for help in creating a healthy culture of evangelism? Sometimes it’s just good to have a different set of eyes helping you to see things from a different perspective.

Having worked with local churches across the UK both in Elim and with the broader church, Mark Greenwood and Gary Gibbs are uniquely positioned to be able to offer input and insight for local Elim church leadership teams who want to be more effective in evangelism.


How to get your church guest friendly

This session will help you see your church from the perspective of those attending who are not familiar with what you do as a church. This is normally done as a presentation, but can also be carried out during a visit to speak. This enables general points as well as specific observations. So much of what we do we are familiar with and often don’t realise the impression that we give to our guests. It’s good to take some time to make some important changes.

Get your church guest friendly  

How to keep the journey sharp

It’s important in our evangelism that we understand there is a journey involved in most conversions. This session helps you understand that process and begins to look at how we can create that journey and inform it both in preaching, resources and events. If we fail to understand and build on this we will be less effective than we could have otherwise been.

Keep the journey sharp  

Creating a healthy culture of evangelism

The Creating an Evangelism Culture event is aimed at key leaders and potential leaders in your church. We explore how churches can develop a 'sowing' as well as a 'reaping' attitude to evangelism by understanding the process people go through before they come to faith. We discuss the delicate balance involved in attracting seekers and making proper connections with them. We go on to show how we can change Church culture by offering a number of practical ways to move forward. We introduce our philosophy of ‘Big Yes, Little Yes, Healthy Maybe’, which helps churches build an effective pattern of evangelism. In other words, it helps them find out what works well and then supports them in carrying it out.

Create a culture of evangelism  

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