Introducing Gary Gibbs - Director of REACH

A gifted and inspirational communicator, Gary has been in evangelistic ministry for more than three decades. Much of his time these days is taken up with training, equipping and mentoring other individuals and churches as well as communicating the Good News of Jesus Christ to those who have never walked with him.

Combining humour and storytelling, he has the ability to make the Christian Message clear and understandable. On many occasions his preaching is accompanied with God demonstrating his love and power through healings. Over the years, Gary has enjoyed the privilege of speaking on five continents around the world. He is married to Sally and is a proud father and granddad! The other great loves of his life are sport and good food, although he is not too keen on Bombay Duck.

How do we book Gary?

Gary is often booked up over 6 - 12 months in advance. Whilst he would genuinely love to come to every event he is asked to speak at, this really isn't possible. To make a request, please fill in the request form and we will do the very best we can to get to your event or agree on a date for when it might work. It doesn't matter how big or small the event is but the more notice you can give us the better!

Where can I get a photo of Gary for our event publicity?

Please click here for some recent photos that you can use for your event.

Can I get a short bio for Gary?

Gary is the Director of REACH for the Elim Pentecostal Churches. Combining humour and storytelling, he has the ability to make the Christian Message clear and understandable. On many occasions his preaching is accompanied with God demonstrating his love and power through healings. Over the years, Gary has enjoyed the privilege of speaking on five continents around the world. He is married to Sally and is a proud father and granddad! The other great loves of his life are sport and good food, although he is not too keen on Bombay Duck.

Do we have to pay for Gary’s visit?

It depends… It helps us to run the REACH department if we can bring some finances in as we exist on a reasonably tight budget, but we don’t want the ability to cover everything financially to be the arbiter of whether an event takes place.

Travel expenses

Where possible, we ask for mileage at 45p a mile to and from the event using Malvern as the starting point.

Accommodation expenses

If an event starts very early or finishes very late, or if it is a considerable distance from home, or if it lasts for more than one day, it may be that Gary’s PA will book a nearby hotel for him. The truth is that he would rather be sleeping at home, but we are aware of issues of arriving tired for a booking or travelling home tired in the car. Whilst Gary could stay in people’s homes, the timings of the stay are very often at unsociable hours and time is needed to prepare/relax before and after events.

Gary's speaking fees

As a department, we do not set fees, but any gift on top of expenses enables us to invest even more in the evangelistic ministry of the Elim movement.

Please note however that we never place money before ministry and if you genuinely would struggle to meet travel and accommodation costs please let us know.

How do we pay?

A cheque payable to ‘EFGA (REACH)’ is fine.

Will Gary be travelling alone?

Sometimes Gary has an intern or assistant with him and sometimes for larger events he may need to bring a team. 

Does Gary have any dietary requirements?

He eats everything and has no allergies.

What are Gary's tech requirements?

It depends on the event. We are able to provide a mobile sound system which will be adequate for a room of up to 100 people (Bose L1 Compact): it can be used for guitar or keys and a vocal. We also have a good quality projector for video clips, pictures, words, etc. Ask us if you are unsure!

Will Gary be bringing any resources with him?

Probably! There are several published items he has written and a DVD course on evangelism.

Which of Gary's talks will be best for my event?

  • Creating an Evangelistic Culture’ for church leadership teams
  • ‘Under The Influence’ A four part training course in friendship evangelism
  • ‘Faith:Hope:Love’ A weekend evangelistic mission
  • ‘Alpha’- particularly the away day, but any of the Alpha talks!
  • Sunday preaching – Evangelistic guest services or talks particularly aimed at inspirational, motivational, envisioning the church for outreach
  • Conferences, camps – themed talks to fit in with the event
  • Local church Bible schools – lecturing in evangelism & apologetics (Gary is adjunct lecturer at Regents Theological College)

Get in touch

  Invite Gary Gibbs
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